Online PR is the practice of getting published
in related websites and blogs other than your own.

For example one of your regular press releases
from your business might get picked up and get featured in local online publications.


These publications can be local newspaper websites, local blogs,

product review sites, local listings etc.

Online PR can be paid or organic and it is a type of earned media.
An example of paid online PR activity could be connecting with a social media influencer that can help boost your promotions.
  • An organic example can be seen as a press release which could result in a story in a magazine, newspaper or blog.
  • The outreach for online PR may be both direct and indirect. When used correctly businesses can extract many unique leads out of online PR efforts.


Also when someone reviews or comments on your business or brand you will get the opportunity to respond.

This will create a dialog between you and your target audience.

Responding to the people who are reading your content is the best way to generate productive conversation around your industry.

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