Social media marketing (SMM)
In simple terms Social media marketing is the process of creating posts or content about
your business or brand and promoting it on various social media platforms.

It is about meeting and conversing with your target audience.


Since your customers are already interacting through social media you can leverage each social platform to your advantage.

Social Media Marketing can bring remarkable success to your business,
creating devoted followers to loyal social influencers which will create leads and generate sales.

Social Media Marketing can bring remarkable success to your business, creating devoted followers to loyal social influencers which will create leads and generate sales.

And since there are differences in social media platforms, content needs to be adjusted to fit each platform. There is no one size fits all.

Social media marketing includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and other content that drives audience engagement, as well as paid social media advertising.

Benefits of social media marketing

+4.33 Billion

That equates to annualised growth of 13.7 percent, or an average 16½ new users every single second.

Latest data show that there are 4.33 billion social media users around the world at the start of 2021, equating to more than 55 percent of the total global population

Creating brand awareness

Drive Traffic to website

Social media

Social engagement will be created by all the daily actions by the users such as likes, shares and comments.

  • Social media also increases brand awareness by helping to drive traffic to your website.

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Foster Relationships with Customers

Social Media

Long-lasting Relationships

By engaging with your followers on social media you will be able to build long-lasting relationships.

  • This can be done by interacting with your potential customers regularly.
  • Your customers will feel connected and as an added benefit you will be able to gain insights.

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Learn From Competitors

Stand out from the rest

Products Selling Tactics

Using social media you will be able to review your competitors’ tactics, The products they are selling, campaign’s they’re implementing and so on.

  • You will be able to learn what is working and what is not among the competitors.
  • Therefore you can curate your content to stand out from the rest.

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Generate Leads & Boost Conversions.

Generate Leads

Targeted Advertising

The highly targeted advertising placements are much more useful than advertising on the conventional media. This is because the initial interest of the potential customers are already in place for the category of your products.

  • Creating contests, Hosting live sessions, Implement a social media marketing campaign, sell your products via your social profiles, including links to your website, etc.

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