Regardless of the platform, network, or device everyone benefits when websites load and run faster. Google has incorporated page speed as one of the signals used by its algorithm to rank pages.

And this is important not just for Google Yahoo DuckDuckGoo or Bing search engines,
but also important to create a great user experience.


Also faster checkouts make your ecommerce checkout to drive conversions and gain more revenue.

And you have to take into account that there are many low-power mobile devices and some network connections are slow and unreliable in certain areas.

-02 Seconds

Google Recommendations Site Loading Range

of smartphone users are more likely to use a company or brand’s mobile app when browsing or shopping on a smartphone because they can get rewards or points.
-/+40 Seconds

Every second delay in mobile page load, conversions can fall by up to 20%

of smartphone users are more likely to purchase from companies whose mobile sites or apps offer them relevant recommendations on products they may be interested in.

If a page takes a longer time to load it will have a higher bounce rate and some users will leave even before the page loads.

There are many effective techniques to improving page speed.

We use many of those techniques to keep your business site load faster.
Google has also given some recommendations and tools to improve and measure the site speed and performance.

If you have any Questions

About our page spreed optimization services & changes

please feel free to call us

+94 717 54 84 84

Our Page Speed Optimization services helps everyone benefits when websites load and run faster.